The reservation calendar works only on the finnish website
Class descriptions Spring 2023
Group exercise classes are held in Taito 2- building Älysali.
YOGA: Welcome to relax and challenge yourself with yoga. In addition to developing your body control, you also develop mobility and relax your mind. For classes you don’t need other than an open mind and comfortable warm clothes. See you in class!
DANCE: Dance is a fun way to take good care of your wellbeing and fitness. It develops motor skills, mobility, muscle strength and memory. The choreographies are designed to suit everyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer. For the class you will need comfortable clothes that are easy to move in and a water bottle.
BODY MAINTENANCE: The goal of the class is to maintain and expand the movement of your body and maintenance of your muscles and muscle membranes to rolling and stretching. Classes are diverse and we use variety of equipment from tube rollers to massage balls. For the class you will need a water bottle. Welcome!
SPINNING: The simple and effective spinning is a perfect exercise for everyone. The workout is based on intervals that changes from low intensity to high intensity and back. You can adjust your bike to a tension that suits you the best. See you soon!
CIRCUIT: Circuit classes are effective rotational training classes which utilizes its own body weight as well as various tools. The aim of the classes is to develop muscle strengtht and endurance and loads all muscle groups in the body. The class lasts for 45 minutes and is suitable for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. The movements can be varied to suit everyone. Please take your training shoes and a bottle of water with you, welcome!
HIIT: i.e. high-intensity interval training, is a power workout that improves your aerobic fitness and gets you sweating! After a precise warm-up, we alternate with intense short interval sections with recovery sections. Classes include various bodyweight movements and jumps, that quickly gets the heart rate up! During classes, you have the opportunity to vary the movements to suit yourself! The duration of the class is 45 minutes, you are welcome!
CAPOEIRA: If you are looking for communal, musical, dancelike, self-defenseis, interactionable and acrobatic hobby, it’s right here! Capoeira angola is being exercised in large group training sessions with both solo and paired exercises. In the trainings there will be motoristic and body coordination exercises in light or medium cardio, but as you can see from the video provided, the heat of the capoeira game ramps up the heartbeat as well. As a Bonus you will get a peek to Portuguese language and Brazilian culture! Feel free to join!
Remember to keep the Sports Sticker with you!
Possibility to participate also without a sticker: 5€ one-time payment (school staff 3€ / time)